Hand Over Heart: Anxiety Management Technique

Beautiful as it might be, Christmas can be one of the most stressful and anxiety inducing times of the year. Finding ways to calm your anxieties when the to-do list gets too much and the sensory overload of flashing lights and loud Christmas songs overwhelms you can be difficult but one of my all-time favourite techniques is the hand over heart move and it couldn’t be simpler. You can do this wherever you’re standing (think stressful queues) or you can take yourself off to a quiet place for a couple of minutes to give yourself more time and space (the car, the loo, the nearest cupboard...) 

Here’s what you do: 

  1. Place one hand over your heart and press gently 

  1. Pay attention to the feeling of warmth that spreads to your heart – it's immediate and it’s soothing 

  1. Slow your breathing by taking a few deep breaths and be aware of how the hand over your heart moves with each inhale and exhale 

  1. If you like the reassuring feeling of pressure you can place your other hand on top of the one over your heart and apply a bit more 

  1. Stay in that position for a couple of minutes or until you feel your anxiety levels drop 

It’s a very simple technique to relieve anxiety and there’s sound reasons why it works. When we press our hand against our heart our brain recognises it as a reassuring touch and releases oxytocin. Oxytocin is one of the feel-good hormones, often referred to as the love hormone, which is released when we give or receive hugs, kisses, massages and so on. It’s a hormone which loves physical connection and when released it brings other feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin with it too, all of which help to reduce cortisol, the anxiety inducing hormone. A sustained hug from a friend or a cuddle on the couch with your dog might similarly cause your brain to release oxytocin but in those moments when you need something fast to self-soothe the hand over heart technique is simple and effective.  

The hand over heart technique is also a brilliant strategy to teach children and young people who need some help to manage their anxiety. At the start you can work with them to co-regulate their emotions by putting your hand over their heart and showing them how it works but the aim would be to get them to do it themselves so they can similarly use the technique whenever and wherever needed. It’s a quick, discreet technique for kids which can make them feel like they’re turbo-boosting their bravery.  

Keep this technique up your sleeve this festive season or even better make it part of a daily ritual, spending a couple of minutes each morning with your hand over your heart to start the day with a healthy dose of oxytocin. I'm pretty sure this will fast become one of your favourite tools in your anxiety management tool box.  


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